Multimodal Care
Multimodal care encompasses palliative and hospice care. We offer multimodal treatments that can improve your pet’s quality of life.
Below are some of the treatments we offer as part of our In-Home Care services.
If you are interested in In-Home Care for your pet, but are unsure what care plan is best for your pet, please contact us and we can help assess your pet’s unique situation.
Please note that these services are only available once we have completed an initial consultation.
The term “multimodal” comes from the recognition that the pain pathway is very complex and therefore gives us many opportunities to treat it from different angles. We use various medical and physical techniques to treat virtually any medical condition.
Combining conventional medical therapy with treatments such as acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Therapy and laser therapy (just to name a few), often helps our pets feel and move better as they advance through their twilight years.
This is the care we give to patients who may not be at end of life but may be dealing with chronic illness or pain.
The care may be situational where we expect the service to be temporary as the patient heals, (for example, after a surgery for cruciate ligament repair); or may involve long-term care for a chronic condition that we do not ever expect the patient to live without (osteoarthritis or kidney failure, for example).
If you would like to read more about the benefits of palliative care, please visit our Integrative Medicine blog post.
This is the comfort care we give to patients that we believe are at or near the end of life for any medical reason. Hospice care seeks comfort rather than cure, and usually includes pain management as well as other types of care, such as medical management for end-stage chronic illness.
Unlike in human medicine, hospice care has no time limit in veterinary medicine. If the patient continues to do well, we can continue with hospice care for as long as we need to.
If you would like to read more about the benefits of hospice care, please visit our Integrative Medicine blog post.
Multimodal Care
Acupuncture is an ancient medical practice that has thousands of years of carefully recorded history. It is surprisingly well-tolerated in most pets, and very useful for improving energy and comfort in our aging animal companions.
Many of our clients report things like “He has more bounce in his step,” or “She brought me a toy for the first time in ages,” indicating the pet just feels better overall.
Many conditions can be improved with acupuncture treatments, such as osteoarthritis, degenerative joint disease, neck or back pain, gastrointestinal disorders, weakness, incontinence issues, and seizures to name a few.
Dr. Chandler received her certification in Veterinary Acupuncture from the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society in 2004 and has made acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Therapy part of her veterinary practice ever since.
Have more questions?
Check out our FAQ page or contact us today.
Laser Therapy is a painless, non-pharmaceutical treatment option that uses light to stimulate healing and provide pain relief.
Laser Therapy is generally well tolerated by pets and is most effective with regular treatments.
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Check out our FAQ page or contact us today.
Electromagnetic Pulse Therapy uses pulsing electromagnetic fields to jumpstart and accelerate healing.
This reduces inflammation, provides pain relief, and improves mobility.
This non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical treatment is generally well tolerated and enjoyed by pets. It is something you can do yourself at home in between Dr. Chandler’s visits.
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Check out our FAQ page or contact us today.
Massage is a wonderful way for you to care for your pet as he or she ages.
It helps improve blood flow and maintain mobility in aging muscles and joints.
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Check out our FAQ page or contact us today.
Please see Our Fees for pricing details.
You must have a Hospice & Pain Management Consultation before these treatments can be prescribed.
Please contact us if you have any questions.