Supported Natural Death
End of life care is offered as an option to allow for a medically managed natural death process, without the use of euthanasia.
Supported Natural Death
As a pet nears the end of his or her life, we have difficult decisions to make. Most people choose to control how the ending goes by intervening in the natural dying process with euthanasia.
However, some people want their pets to have a natural death, and if you believe this is the best choice for you and your pet, it is a good idea to be fully informed as to what this decision entails.
If you are interested in this type of care, we will need to start with a hospice consultation so we can understand the support systems that you have in place and the medical management we will need to prepare to give us the best chance for a peaceful outcome.
For more information, please read our Supported Natural Death post.
Have more questions?
Detailed treatment plan
Crisis kit (pain medication) in case of emergency
Transportation and care for your pet’s remains are available for an additional fee (see Next Step Resources below)
Please see Our Fees for details.
Next Step Resources
For pricing information for the following services, please see Our Fees.
Love Always Veterinary Care can arrange for the cremation of your pet. We use Koefran Pet Crematory for this service.
You can see what specialty memorial product they offer on their products page. Please call, text or email for details about options and cost.
You can also reach out to other crematories in our area such as Heaven’s Gate Pet Memorial Center and Crematory in Wheatland, or Caring Pets Crematory in Sacramento, and make arrangements for the after care of your pet privately.
If your pet is less than 80 lbs, Love Always Veterinary Care can take care of transportation and cremation.
Dr. Chandler will need your assistance moving your pet into her car if your pet is over 30 lbs.
If you choose private cremation, Dr. Chandler will hand deliver your pet’s cremains (ashes) at no additional fee.
If your pet is heavier than 80 lbs, you will need to arrange for transport and cremation services through Heaven's Gate Pet Memorial Center and Crematory in Wheatland.
This fee can be avoided if you choose to transport your pet yourself to the crematory of your choice.
Includes a polished cedar urn (2 styles to choose from)
For pets over 80 lbs, please see the above Cremation Information.
Available for pets up to 80 pounds
Your pet will be cremated along with other beloved pets and their collective cremains (ashes) will be scattered on the private property of the crematory service in a beautiful wilderness area.
You have the option to bury your pet on private property if it’s within the legal restrictions of your area.
General recommendations include burying your pet 4 feet deep with a minimum of 3 feet of dirt overlying your pet’s body, and distance from any water source of at least 100 ft.