The Love Always Vet Blog
Senior Pet Bucket List
Quality time with your pet is precious, especially in their senior years…One way you can do that is to make a “bucket list” of things to do with them before they pass…
Supported Natural Death
As a pet nears the end of his or her life, we have difficult decisions to make about assisted or natural death. Most people choose to control how the ending goes by intervening in the natural dying process with euthanasia…
Paying Tribute While Grieving for a Pet
Losing a pet is a universally profound feeling for long-time pet owners. This feeling unfortunately comes with the upside of the love, affection, and time spent with your furry companion…
Understanding Human-Animal Bonds
While many of us may know the feeling of a “human-animal bond”, it can be hard to put into words. Many have tried to define what it actually means…
Euthanasia & the Presence of Children
Allowing for healthy grieving is an important part of your child’s development. Death, grief, and sadness are all parts of life…
Mobility Aid
For both ours and our pet's well-being, it’s critically important to address the mobility needs of our dear animal companions…
Grief: Losing a Pet & My Grief Journey
I must think of my pet before I think of myself. That’s what I remind myself of every time I think about the decision.
Integrative Medicine
At Love Always Veterinary Care, we believe in a holistic, integrative approach to pain management and end-of-life care. We integrate modern Western medicine, Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine…